Honolulu Printmakers | 95th Annual Juried Exhibition

Honolulu Printmakers Studio | 1142 Bethel Street & Downtown Art Center | 1041 Nu’uanu Ave 2nd Floor

Congratulations on having your work accepted for our 95th Annual Juried Exhibition!

Hiroki Morinoue reviewed 240 works by 80 Artists and selected 76 works by 71 artists.


June 2 Opening Reception 6-8pm & Artwork Selection Committee Walkthrough 9am–12pm (artist should not be present)

June 30   Last Day of Exhibition

July 1–2 Artwork pick up

May 9   Accepted work Announced 

May 27 – 28 Deliver Artwork

May 29 – 31 Installation

Volunteers Needed 

May 27 – 28   Work delivered to HP Studio 4pm - 7pm

May 29 Installation of Artwork 11am - 2pm / 2pm - 5pm / 6pm - 9pm

May 30 Finalize Installation 9 am - 5pm + upload images to website

May 31 Install labels and wall signage 9 am - 5 pm

June 1 Clean and Prepare studio for Opening Reception

June 2  Opening of Exhibition 6pm - 8pm (set up 4pm - 6 pm / clean up 8pm - 9:30 pm)

July 3   Neighbor Island Art Packing


Hiroki Morinoue

Born in 1947, in Holualoa on the Island of Hawaii, Hiroki Morinoue received his BFA degree from the California College of Arts and Crafts (now CCA) in 1973. Traveling to Japan in 1976 through 1982, he studied sumi brush painting with Koh Ito Sensei and Japanese woodblock printmaking, Mokuhanga with Takashi Okubo Sensei.

Morinoue's work is represented in the collections of The Contemporary Museum, Honolulu, The Honolulu Academy of Arts, The Hawaii State Foundation for Culture and the Arts, Neiman-Marcus in Honolulu & Chicago, Verizon Hawaii, Achenbach Foundation of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, The National Parks, Maryland, Ueno No Mori Museum, Tokyo, the Davis Museum at Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA. and many private commissions and collections.

In 1996 he was designated a Living Treasure of Hawaii by the Honpa Hongawanji Mission.