Mokuhanga with Hiroki Morinoue and Faith Stone Jan 9th - 15th
Mokuhanga with Hiroki Morinoue and Faith Stone Jan 9th - 15th
This workshop will sell out lightning fast. An announcement about sign up date and start time along with the discount code will be announced to our Professional and Hui Sustaining Members in advance.
Tuesday January 9th 5:30 - 8:30 pm (3 hours)
Wednesday January 10th 5:30 - 8:30 (3 hours)
Thursday January 11th 5:30 - 8:30 (3 Hours)
Saturday January 13th 10 - 4 pm (6 hours)
Sunday January 14th 10 - 4 pm (6 hours)
Monday January 15th 10 - 4 pm (6 hours)
27 - Hours of Instruction and HP Studio Time
Mokuhanga printing workshop for beginners will span over 7 days and involves expert guided instruction. Faith Stone and studio assistants will get us started with a 3 evening block preparation and kento carving classes. Next UP! a 3 day Printing intensive with Hiroki Morinoue focused on Mokuhanga printing. The course structure will allow time for image ideation as well as in-depth instruction in the printing technique without participants needing to take an entire week off of work to carve the woodblocks.
This exciting printmaking intensive focuses on mokuhanga, a water-based Japanese woodblock printmaking method. This unique process involves hand carving and is environmentally friendly. The class discipline is to create a dialog between storytelling and a relationship with color, form, and space as a narrative in a diptych or long format. The students compose and recompose prints to create complex images printed from beautiful shina wood onto traditional Japanese mulberry paper.
Supply Information
Woodblock size is 8" x 8" shina. Each participants needs 3 boards = total 6 sides. Boards are available for sale at this website. The is a custom size. We will do a bulk order for the class.
These are supplies you may buy or bring from your own supply.
1 sharp knife like an exacto knife with snap off blades or a matte cutter - your preference
1 - 3/8" U gouge McClain's (if you have extra wood carving tools bring them)
8" x 8" shina wood
Barren - plastic is sufficient but there is an upgraded ball barring option that is best!
1 - 30" x 30" clear acetate
5 cheap hardware store bristle brushes 1” or 2”
Student grade watercolor set. (like Grumbacher or similar) .You may substitute similar colors if exact colors are not available.
1 Alizarin Crimson + 1 Cad red Light
1 Yellow - Medium Yellow + 1 Lemon Yellow
1 Blue - Ultra Marine Blue+ 1 Thalo Blue
2 Tubes of White
Paper: Is included in your class fee. HP will be provide 2 full size sheets of Washi paper cut down to size in damp packs ready for you to print on. Pansion is a machine made Japanese washi (cream color) and it is in stock in our studio. If you wish to buy additional paper it is available.
For your convenience a complete supply kit with 3 - 8" x 8" Shina boards, brushes, set of wood gouges and set of water color tubes will be available for purchase before the workshop starts. You may want to buy them on your own. You will be contacted after registration to place a supply order. (Approximately $100)
$50 Discount for HONOLULU PRINTMAKERS Members Discount Code will be sent out in advance to add to your cart on check out. If you did not receive the Discount code in an email please ask for it before Nov. 25th. Sorry - no discounts can be applied after checkout.
$100 Fee will be taken for any workshop cancellations to cover our administrative costs + credit card processing fees. No cancellations accepted 7 days before a workshop.